A set of essays, the first posted is that easier to read, while the latest more involved in the work of tafsir, that is interpretive analysis of Qur'an. However for the most basic reading of what this weblog is about, refer to its first post, which tells enough of the author's own life story for the context to enable her further writing. The weblog is named after that first post, while the others are only stored here in public availability, for want of any better place.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Promised Post

Waram, (That is a dinky die Aussie Islamic greeting expressing what we need to of each our own accountiblity in our way of initating communication.)

This is a promised post from the http://www.justiceforthedeadone.blogspot.com web log also registered to my self. I regard that the issues which are discussed in that web log have an essential need for managing in seperation from what I am intending to place in this post. Here I plan to provide information from within an Aboriginal Australian belief system as to the meaning of The Dreaming, and about words like Magic, and Prayer, and fulfill a commitment to expose the paucity of Spirit that is known to Islam as black magic. First let me attempt to convince you that I believe in the Magic of Prayer, a magic in Allah and of constant accountiblity by whom owns the action of. Essentially magic of future positive consequence. I do. That is, I am a believer, and am essentially, if you like it described in words, am "doing belief". Belief in my mind is a way. It is a sequential success. It is submissive to all that Allah has caused. It is cyclical in greater or lesser cycles, and it manifests causation of most of our behaviour.

So because this is the subject matter I will be upfront in telling you that I believe we are all in need of a few good rules. I my self learned only a few, but the exact few which are enough to have managed to become the Ancestral inheritor of my own Indigenous place as an Aniwan person. That is to say, the specific Aboriginal Australian belief system which I am adhereing to here, is that which I have managed to recover of my own physical birth place in Armidale NSW. Rule number one, relate your experience back to a knowable experience such that what ever enters you mind becomes self referential. This is a process which is also named "Self Remembering". Try to practise this at all times. That is, try to find that very specific known and knowable and permanent aspect of your self regard, in which you are able to mentally observe all and any other aspects of who you are. Work towards establishing a continual certainty in being able to remind your self of any previous instance in your life. This rule contains that practise which is the one and only way of lessening the totality of suffering. When we never contradict our self we learn that our individual will can not be to cause any pain to any other life, since we also then are able to remember that pain we inflict, even by accident, has a biological self regulating factor which causes painfull deterioration of our own physical biology. It is a well studied and long studied fact obtainable to research in any of the world's major Religions, that only when we contradict our own internal mental and emotional consistency, (so then can be proven to be in the wrong), is our essential vitality, or life sustaining energy, Chi, not able to manifest supporting our physiology. Here in is my own first rule. Never forget your self and if you happen to have so fallen then as soon as you notice swallow. Or, if you prefer, remember to practise the skill of self-remembering. In my own practise I orient to my earliest life as my self, and so to my birth place and geneaology. The Aniwan tribe, or language group, of Aboriginal Australia, are not the main identified Indigenous presence in the region of Armidale where I have been born. But are the original people of the region. Most survivors are those whom have intermarried with the invaders and most often now are indiscernable from. Yet in Armidale we have a long history of working the intelligence of Aboriginal Australia into the Academic mainstream. I claim this tradition as my birth right as an Indigenous Australian. I claim it also as my right to identify this and re-orient it to those Indigneous Aboriginal Australians whom never hide their identity and so have been far more persecuted. This re-orientation process is intended, and researced, so as to make available to identifying and most often black skin Aborigines, the real value we are able to engage with in the invading culture. This is its only real purpose. Not being identified as Indigenous has never stopped me from accepting my status as a Human being belonging to my birth place, and it never should. Yet within this purpose is the necessity to identify that I am also enabled in the work of the Aboriginal Dreamtime. Aniwan land is a place of healing. Aniwan have strong Rainbow Serpent Dreaming, but even stronger Crocodile Dreaming. This is determine only by the land forms which are caused by the magnetism of the Earth's crust, and the specific frequencies of electro-magnetic raditation which can be transmitted through specific geological substances in the Earth's crust. That is, the Crocodile Dreaming of my birth place is strong because of the specific Dreamlines, also called Song lines, or Ley lines, which travel through Armidale and the surrounding area. I remember my self through my own internal magnetism to place and knowledge of the story in which I am born. That is, I orient my self at all times to my own Dreaming; which is another way of saying that I practise self remembering. Equally we are able to express this as: "I accept full ownership of my self in all its merits and faults, as my work in Allah's forgiveness of my Soul requires."

Rule two is a bit simpler. I am sure you might be guessing that it could require a longer explaination thereby, and perhaps you will be right. The rule is that we must remember that we are not ever in total control of our own mind, but that there is one very specific biological function which we are, at all times, in total control of, and that that biological function is causal to the most important portion of what is able to enter our mind. We control only our voluntary muscles and thus our posture. Our posture controls our mental ability. For example, each of the statues of the Buddha represents a specific pose in which the mind best relates to a specific mantra. The positions of even the smallest of our fingers effect what can be possible among all the mental energy that exists, to enter our mind as a thought process. I will here first advise you all to experiment upon yourselves in this fact. I can actually provide a full explaination which might be comprehensible to other minds who work like mine to reconcile science with Religion, or with the belief system, or cosmology, of specific groups of persons. My mind was trained, like yours also might have been, to believe only in the world of empirical scientific evidence. Therefore, before you run off deciding that I must be balmy, (perhaps because you imagine that you are controlling your mind by running off as a way of preventing your mind working in a similar fashion as mine), then try to engage in a process of verifying what I am describing by scientific experiment. Do not come back into this essay with a mind wanting to refute me until you have exhausted every possibility for proving that I am not telling you the truth. However do accept that there are simple experiments which can prove what I am here instructing. The thing about these experiments which are long known, is that if you distrust the results of, then you are left with only one thing to do so as to be certain. That is to repeat the experiment in different environmental conditions. Repeat it over and over and over until you exhaust every possible or plausible environment. Try this: standing with your hands stretched above your head as high as they will reach, are you able to experience sorrow about the living conditions of persons whom you know are suffering? What are you able to experience in mind in that posture? Has that posture a trigger for a specific mental process which can be triggered in any environment? Try another posture. What are you accustomed to working for? Is it money or general acclaim or sense of acheivement? Can you make a list of all of your own motivations for work. Be very honest. Chose one of the facts about your life and your knowledge which motivate you. What ever is that fact in your mind which is the motivation to hard work . . . can you become motivated by that fact if you are squatting on the ground in bare feet? When you are motivated in that squatting position what is it among all the possible motivating facts that can make you begin to move with an intention of engaging in hard work? Is it all, or only one? If it is in relation to acheivement of a specific goal, then what sort of goals are able to motivate you in that squatting position? Any goal, or only few, and have all such goals which your mind can associate with in a squatting position a specific thread of reality in common? Try another position. This time you choose. Run through the same sort of logic as I am here trying to encourage you in, but with a very familiar posture. How are you accustomed to sitting while watching television. Is there another posture you move into if the television happens to have really annoyed you but you wanted to keep watching it? Have you any specific bad habits you want to kick? What is you posture you are in when you begin get the idea that you want to engage in that habit? Any bad habit related postures exemplify the fact that poor mental associations can be triggered by the posture in which such associations first formed. If you only change your posture rather than try by other means to avoid that habit, can you break the habit? For this to be effective you might need to find a new posture to move into instead. Next time you suddenly find your self deciding spontaneously to weed the garden, or sort out any objects which you have a collection of, (sort by colour, shape, or the material they are made out of), try to remember what posture you were in before you began. As soon as you realise what posture it was practise replacing the posture in which you want to engage in a bad habit with that posture in which you want to weed the garden or sort. If these sort of self observations are not helping you then perhaps you might not be the sort of person whom is able to learn the way within their own self knowledge. I will go on to describe that phenomenon. But let me here encourage you to exeriment with your own posture, and to be mindful of the fact that such experimentation could considerably aid your comprehension of all I intend to include in this essay. Most of all, could you please sit in an upright position, or stand, and uncross your limbs, untwist your spine, etc, to read these words so as to appreciate the full meaning. Even try to read the whole essay in one posture, then read it again in a different posture. But then, so as to discriminate that it was not just reading the essay twice that made a difference, ask a friend to read it in the same two postures, but the second first and the first second.

Rule number three. Do not imagine. Imagination might seem worthy because it encourages us to believe in our self, but really, do we want to believe in anything? Be receptive to Dreaming rather than suppose that you can Dream up what ever is pleasing to you in any instant. The reality is that all thoughts are already thought. Each thought has a quantity as well as a quality. Knowledge is a substance which has a limit in quantity, such that as it flows to one person it flows away from another. Ideally knowledge needs to be in the mind of whom ever can accept full responsiblity for that knowledge. Therefore, do not aspire to knowing of the ills of others, since by accounting for such as your own knowledge, you are accounting other persons as ill, and become responsible for that ill to the degree by which you notice of and might have been able to enact any correction of that ill. But similarly do not know without accounting your self for having known, since most certainly others account you in that knowledge you have. Now consider this: if we imagine a thing never before in our experience, where did the knowledge to inform that imagination arise from? Are we preventing more reponsible persons from accepting that knowledge as theirs to act upon the make the world a better place? For example, did the first person to imagine a terrarium lean upon the knowledge of sustaining rainforests? Who lost the essential ecological knowledge which might have been put to use sustaining the whole atmosphere rather than only the air inside a terrarium? If you imagine and are a success, then what have you prevented is the critical issue. In a way, to practise not imagining is a method of avoiding black magic. The two words "imagine" and "magic" even seem to have the same root in the sound "Magi", and what then is a "Mage"? Magi, Mage, Magician, I hope that you could not be trying to describe your self as such a person only because you suppose that you can imagine the world into being, because you can't, and neither can any magic except that which exists within a single united will for all life existing. That is, the will of Allah. God's will. The words around that root "magi" have all developed an atrocious reputation, and rightly only by the method of black magic and not by the real magic of Prayer in Allah. Yet in Allah, how could a perfect Mage and leader of men work without imagining? Easily, and more easily than by imagining. He can work by submitting His will to the will of the continuation of all living beingings, in submission to the will of Allah, a Mage will be a King of the living, rather than an ugly movement of matter of feigning the skill of 'magi' as an act of black magic. Imagine, is a word meaning the opposite of the worth of "magi", what ever that means. Try then to decipher it using a tarot deck for sound associations with the English Alphabet: M= the wheel of fortune; G= the heirophant; and A, with "a" as in "bag" is that density at which you are able to be certain; I, with "i" as in "six" sound is that density in which you can not know in your own physical, biological mental process. To comprehend what this word might mean try a comparison with a word in which the A and the I are around the other way. A Migaloo is a very shocking Queensland Aboriginal term almost always applied only to white skin fellows, which always engages the user of in extreme embarrasment if a migaloo happens to notice that the word applies to their own self. Do not try to imagine what a migaloo might be since if you imagine you will necessarily get the meaning wrong and so prove yourself one. Whereas the Magi are who can account for the existance of migaloo. So just try not to imagine alright. (especially because N= strength while L= the hermit)

The fourth rule is to NEVER EXPRESS NEGATIVE EMOTION. In that remember that anger can be positive especially if it wants to surface as tears. Fears are negative. Sorrow is only made positive by never exposing any, so being sad requires the mental tolerance and conditioning of self discipline in the behaviour, that we withhold its expressions until there is pressurised within us the chemical reactions out of which condense into our system of neurotransmitters the ablity to engage in positive behavioural consequence of having felt sorry. So with those four rules under your belt I shall continue, but not before I tell you that these four simple rules have repeatedly been life saving, in my life and that of very very many believing Muslims. They are not my rules, they are rules I was given, and that I learned in a book. These are the rules for managing Human Health. Without this grounding of ruling, there is no potential for mental health, and disease of the body is the result of the mental processing going wrong. Help yourself by testing these rules and adopt to your own self certainty any part of which effectively supports you own living in the conditions in which you manifest a life.

Here is a fifth rule. But it is a tricker rule because it must be regulated by the company you keep. It is regulated by the suppositions upon your nature of every person whom you meet. The rule is to "go with the Dream which wakes you up", and this rule, with all the surrounding rules which support every healthy use of this rule, is the essence of the culture of The Dreaming. Please take me seriously in having reported that there are many other surrounding and sustaining rules which guide this one rule, so that it manifests within culture without causing detriment to the health of the Human biology. This rule will always engage in a process of patterning Spiritual health. In instances in which following this rule manifests that a person behaves with what seems to be insanity, then insanity is the path which the Human Spirit responsible for that person was in need of. That is, except for in only one instance, which is that instance in which the consequence of black magic has been forced into the mind of a person whom is unable to identify such and thus avoid its effect. Let me try to define this fact by a different method. If your next door neighbour waves and says "Hi, nice morning" to attract your attention while watering the lawn, and was ill considering you in his mind, and is habitually taking advantage of black magic, and you then awake or had already awoken, with an expectation of a nice morning which went awry; perhaps you might have been able to prevent that morning going awry if only you had recognised that your expectation upon waking was driven by an act of black magic. But how did your neighbour do it? The answer is that your neighbour did not, but that all deeds of black magic were done in four discrete acts, but which caused every other one of. Yet your neighbour could prevent himself from imparting the effects of black magic into your life if only he followed these here rules I have described. Now but apart from the instance of very specificly relatable black magic, what mental patterning could it be which rouses your physical body from slumber and back into the five senses, except that mental patterning of the awakening also of Spirit. Every Religious text in existance calls us in two things: to know our self and to awaken. In fact, I could describe all real Religions as only the cultures in which we are caused to believe that we need to sustain Spiritual awakening and to know ourself. But what do these things mean?

What is Spirit is a good starting place then. A Spirit is a body of finer density matter than our physical body. Particles have a density of mass and a density of vibration. The finer density matter has faster vibration and lesser mass. Coaser density matter slower vibration and greater mass. For example uranium is coarser than carbon, wouldn't you agree? While hydrogen and helium and finer. A Spirit is a collective of fine density matter which compiles a discret unit of existance. That is a collection of gaseous molecules that sort of hang about together. There are other such bodies. A Soul is also named the "Causal" body since it is that body which in Allah is permanent and permanently forgiven, it is the reason. Soul is the only collection of gaseous molecules which ascribes to the formulation of what it means to be immortal. The basis for the eternal existance of any pattern in which molecules permanently collect and dissipate and recollect, such that the pattern exists eternally, is the permanent forgiveness of any ill which corresponds to that pattern. This is the existential reason for believing in One God. God alone provides that forgiveness. By the fact of God absorbing for us any ill results of a specific pattern which we once began, and continued to work, until it became a permanent structure of reason and cause, we are able to believe in everlasting life.

However not every one of us has a Soul. There is a limit to how many of us God can make permanent. This is not an exclusive club, but a section of the population whom have an internal self regard for themselves and each other as permanently responsible for a higher degree of what manifests as the world. We are friends and enemies with many others folk who may or may not be the physical bodily housing of a Soul. Sometimes we manifest in our self as enemies of each other also, but only so as to remind each other of what we need orient to so as to cause our continuance having ever, once before in the past, been permanently assured. As though we are in a work place in which the boss knows everything, and there is no other work available, and to be selected for a permanent position, we had to accomplish something of such significance that it improved the working conditions for both the boss and all other workers; and then the boss came to us and informed us that our work in that accomplishment is substantiated as of permanent reason, and we will only be able to draw any wage while adhering to completing further accomplishment of that work. The wages are good and so we agree and are bound then by an eternal contract. But the wages are never knowable in advance and may manifest in any possible form, but are permanently contracted. That wage is our self. That part we ought to be remembering to always know. So here in is the lesson then. We must work to sustain knowing our self because we can only know any self, or wage, when we have been working within the reason of our inital accomplishment and contract. In fact, that is in the contract. Thereby, those persons unable to work within the inital contract, and unable to accomplish any further in their original cause, must always lean upon those of us whom are earning a valid wage. Us earners are always either giving away in Alms, or being robbed from, that many persons are manifest whom are not remembering themself and are not able to sustain the awakening of the Soul. How these persons are manifesting is by the down time that those of us who can stay awake are maintaining. We go to sleep at night, and our Soul, who is an entity which can not breath without constant food of worldly impressions, while staying connected to our own body, goes out for night ventures into the bodies of other persons and sustains them for a while, but to our own cause rather than theirs. That is what Dreams are made of. Sadly but truly.

The more of any community is self remembering and awake the less any of us need to sleep. So now try again to comprehend what is meant by the call for us all to awaken. Who is calling? Is it God, Allah? Is it only the Earth to whom we realise immediate responsiblity? Allah might not need to be directly awakening each of us only because the very Earth is a living being of higher finer density existance as well as courser, and whom might be able to remind us gently in our sleep to awaken. Perhaps a little pressure in the bladder can trigger the mind into arising to urinate which might trigger us into that behaviour which will cause us to plant a tree.

The important thing about the knowledge that Souls exist and are immortal, is never to assume that any particular person is, or even assume such of your own self. I began to re-learn Religion through an aspect of Islamic teaching made specifically to combat the mental nightmares of industrialisation and all that history of Europe since the crusades which impacts upon our minds. In the beginning, and until you can not by any means or measure, disprove that you are an immortal Soul, do not believe that you are among those whom could be. One Soul in a place at Earth will be who assumes responsiblity for what you are and what you seek to achieve, even if it is not directly you. You can work to the tune of that specific life being only by adhering to the same process by which any Soul formed in the first place. So then consider it a job. The job of living. This is where a link is accidental and wrong back to the realm of believing in black magic. Magic is not the job. Allah can not forgive assuming that magic is the work you might acheive. Black magic is causal to death. Causing the death or pain of any person can not be included in the job description, or be a perk of the job, nor can such be available as lunchtime activity, and you would certainly be sacked if found to live in a home where such is possible. And what happens to those whom are sacked? Why all the molecules of which their body is comprised gradually and painfully will dissipate never to recombine, and that is the existance of Hell. In fact, if any person, tries to sneak out to a rock fest at night, to which the act of buying a ticket is a knowable act of harming the hearing of the local neighbourhood, why then that apect of their wages which paid for that ticket, whether stolen wages or earned, will necessitate the descent into hell to burn out the effects of. But it will be also only a temporary visit, so long as the neigbourhood hearing can recover. The conditions of this job of living are tough. But we work this job because none of us like the idea of being worm food, or worse, becoming nothing more than the few particles of radioactive heavy elements we might have accidentally eaten in our food. How can we know if the mental associations we are processing are caused by a substance in our food that we might have been better to defacate? Retaining a good capacity to defacate is the first rule. In fact, the most important rule of all in avoiding black magic. But being a person whom is not also the house of a Soul, or even the wages who own that cause of a Soul, is no reason to decide that this is all too much to be afraid of, and thus ignore or seek to corrupt. Since there is method of working exactly as each Soul did in the beginning, by which any person can earn the worth of not being only those radioactive particles of Earthly conscious. In fact Bono Vox has that pattern well renowned. As he tells it he will record for only as long as U2 music is not crap. Think to that regard, of how far much more motivated those band members are than most ordinary rock legends. Whether they are lives with Soul is not the point. Whether I am an eternal living existance is not the point. The point is that we each need to learn to work within one known and knowable established reasonable task. At least one. Perhaps many folk are disinterested in matters of Spiritual instruction, and ignore all Dreams and matters corresponding, and just exist for the length of the life of one physical body and then they are not. Yet so as to continue existing they need at least that one inital reason for being a living breathing being, and it is always a work oriented reason. There is no exception to that fact. Many folk move from one reason to another one with ease. They taxi around the Soul of one sleeper, and then the Soul of the next, happily contented by knowing that they are acquiring the wages of whom is the reasoning sustaining them in that moment. Yet to be in reality permanently understanding the nature of happiness, they must respond by making an independent effort to attain their own worth in working within an aspiration to be alike to a person whom is the true housing of any specific Soul. If you like, the analogy to the work place, is that when a person tries to find a reason of their own to work in, and makes any substantial effort towards without causing any harm, then the boss with give them a start, and they no longer need to be a robber just so as to exist.

The process by which a Soul formed in the first place is that same process by which the full awakening of a Soul can occur. So it is a good process to gain some comprehension of in the empirical world. It is a process which any person can set out upon, and the degree of success is determined by the combination of what that person is in the first place, that is, what they bring to the task of their own history, of what they contribute actively once enaging in that process, and of what the environment contributes to their existing in it. The reality of what each of us brings has the history of experience, but also that initial cause we are begun in. Nobody finds such a cause without Allah. Yet the range of variety in causes I can leave until a little later in this essay. Here let me describe the process of evolution between being, a physical alive bunch of cells of Human anatomy and physiology organised into organs which in unity are a person, and being a Soul, whom also must be the former so as to sustain existing. That physical, alive, bunch of cells, organised into organs, is a form which our wages, from the universal boss of everything that is matter, God/Allah may take. Units of Human population whom are not the house of a Soul could be regarded as a waste of our wages, that is, unless they are working to our Human cause. Mythology speaks of giants, and Qur'an describes that Adam was massive, but now we are all so tiny because we are all in little pieces. Well, that is one way to conceive of the overpopulation of Earth. Basically it is that the wages we earn can be of different forms of matter also, but we need to know how to process such forms of matter within our biological form so as to access. Clean air and good living is the best start of course. Certainly there exists a vast array of empirical evidence that clean air and good living accords less nightmares then the cityscapes around the world. Essentially first we must remember to never express negative emotions, and the internal pressures of such effort can cause that within our biology certain substances pass through specific transitions and are available to move into the formation of finer density bodies. Yet before a Spirit can exist without causing harm, a body of emotional substances, or hormones, must come into existance. This body is named variously, a body Kesdjan, a feelings body, and an Astral body. This is the body which we might be able to experience sensations of pleasure and pain in accord with. It connects to the physical body through the blood and it is able to actualise regulating the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The blood contains heme ions in the red blood cells which make the blood red. They are actually iron in an oxide and so red like rust is red. They are magnetic to the Earth's crust, and the body Kesdjan thus orients the form of magnetism by which we are genetically programmed, or by which gene switches become turned off or on. What sort of feeling is your heart able to sustain working whilst experiencing as a negative emotion yet not expressing?

Within the body Kesdjan a Spirit body, or Mental body, may form by a similar process, and it connects through the lymph. Perhaps the process is like never openly acknowledging any wrong but while noticing that wrong exists so as to avoid contact with. Never accusing is certainly a part of the process. Within the Spirit a Soul may form after a longer more enduring process, in which the work itself becomes a phenomenon of a motivating force, but if the Spirit formed upon any single mistaken fact, or wrongly based matter, then it needs to decompose and the process recommense before a Soul could either form or awaken. When Soul exists it is like a filter for every emmination or radiation, through which every aspect of all that is which adheres to the same reason, is received in more power and force than any other information. The substance of the will to continue existance, and to work so that all of existance is aided in continuance through the results of your own existance, is a substance which can only form once the Soul is that permanent crystallisation which filters all other light. It becomes able to emit its own light, but only by having learnt to be permanently in accord with every other true source of light. The Soul is what must awaken, and the self is all those aspects of who we are which are built from the wages God pays us for agreeing to continue within the terms and conditions in which He is able to manifest eternal existance of everything. Whomsoever can not agree with sustaining everything else living, will either cease to exist, or cease to exist in real life and rather become only the most heavy of matter. That is, those whom can not agree with God, or with one unity of being alive in sustaining all life, eventually all become the personification of Death as those very densest of matters which none of us could associate with as life. And yet out of such matter emminates images such as the horsemen of the apocalypse. Is that ache in your spine which you keep on ignoring, one day going to be revealed as containing an atom of uranium which is manifesting mentality of war? Or will you notice that you need only to correct your posture and then decide to approach battles with a more responsible attitude both internally and externally? And are these questions really the same?

So now that I am orienting you into the reality accepted in those Religions which sustain texts pertaining to such matters, how can you regard the significance of the cultural obligation among Australian Aborigines to "go with the Dream which wakes you up". Am I real for you in this yet?

Here is another way of reporting upon these basic five rules I have described. To go with the Dream that wakes you up gradually will orient you mind to your birth place and need to follow your own Dreaming. I challenge any person to engage in the practise for as many as ten years and not want to return to where they were born, if away from it as an accessible location. For any person whom Prayers towards Mecca the practise orients the mind into Hajj, that is the pilgrimage to the Ka'ba. It is integrally a pillar of Islam here described in Indigenous Australian form.

So what about the other four of the five pillars then? Well, what is Prayer but the structured discipline of learning the steps of combatting any expression of negative emotions. It is a pillar of Islam which is also translated as minding your worldly affairs, and also can be described as the skill of living in accordance with the conscience. Aboriginal intiations impart that skill among other life tools. Self remembering is really all about belief. Belief in One Universal intelligence within which we are all creations of such intelligent capacity greater than we could possibly resemble. Belief that we are worth our wages is belief in a forgiving God. Belief that if not now, then one day we will make sure we live up to the worth of these wages, is belief in the Prophets from Adam, Noah, and Moses, right through to Mohammed. The stories they told us of past future and present are stories which have been told and repeated so as to align our minds to the fact of the reality of eventually always finding a way to fulfill our essential cause of having worked so as to cause no harm and even be sustaining to all of existing life. There are problems with the world, that it does not take a blind man to notice. What sustains us in this problematic world when it is not the words of those whom many have believed in that there will be a better tomorrow, if only we will work for it today. All Propesies can be summed up thus. Yet if we can not even remember ourself, remember our wages in Allah, then how can we believe that we could earn that right to exist in a better tomorrow? So self remembering is also pillar of Islam. It is also the purpose of the skin names in Aboriginal kinship systems.

What about our posture? Again I can immediately related this into the Aboriginal call "what's your animal?" but is it a pillar of Islam? I might have to leave that for you to experience during Ramadan. Then the only other pillar of the five which define what it is to be a Muslim is that of giving Alms. Now while my own mind can readily equate this with the need to never imagine, that material in my own associations may well already be outside of the scope of this essay.

Will you sleep on this essay and then go with the Dream that wakes you up in the morning? Will you experiment with your posture to verify and validate my position here? Can that be a more effective way of you knowing the truth of what I am describing than a myriad of footnotes? Certainly more work for you in the reading, and less for me as a writer, and am I worth it? So lets then continue with my having posed a metaphorical question am I, a Soul, worth this self and body I inhabit. But will you promise to remember that if your posture can control you mind more effectively than your mind can will you posture into correction, that our body is effectively of Soul as well as of our self. So behave mind. But try to believe, even if only for a while, that Soul connects to the body through the cerebrospinal fluid. An osteopath teaching text book describes this as a feature which can be studied. The size and shape of the cavities which the cerebrospinal fluid circulates in empirically determine both an individuals potential acheivement and potential for recovery from back pain.

I departed this weblog for a few days before coming back to it at this point to complete it. There are still many facets of what I am trying to express that are necessary pre-requisite knowledge. Not really a prerequiste for most folk to be able to comprehend what I might eventually be expressing in defining black magic by explaining how it can be undone as the key to perceiving what it is, but rather a prerequiste for comprehending how and why I come to be defining a phenomenon we all, by now, must have experienced in our internal mental imagery. In most contexts what I might be about to explain is regarded as insane to mention. Yet within the context of a scientific comprehension of what is happening, as I have been giving, the 'what' that is the stuff that Dreams are made of, then openly defining what black magic is, becomes necessary so as to perceived black magic as wrongful use of those substances by which our Dreams form.

So let me here now cite one example of an instance of one of the four overarching models of black magic, having been utilised against my self. That I could perceive the use of it against my self is only because I forgave that use and accepted full responsibility for preventing that instance, and so absorb the mental imagery of it within my own mind, as a reminder of what behaviours accord death. Many of us are often actualising such an attitude to use of black magic. Others might not even notice and stand accused by black magic, and so become sick, but while in real innocence. This specific instance has a number of sequences of real life events which surrounded it, by which I can comprehend that what I had been blamed in, I had no fault in.

The first such event was a conversation three days before hand, about a Justice for Mulrunji rally. It was mentioned that the Lebanese released a white helium balloon for every Muslim killed in the war between Hezbollah and Israel. My mind immediately associated to that action as a symbol of the understanding of the Lebanese that the Souls of the victims are innocent. That understanding is a very significant part of the total conception of accountiblity in Islam, that what we might accept of criminality upon our self, is not that our Soul has guilt in. Another way of saying that is in the spectrum of understanding that war is always a result of black magic, and so that the soldiers fought is that they accepted to themselves the need to end a specific action of black magic, but that within their acceptance their Soul is innocent. Black magic is defined by being the cause of people not being able to live in accord with the cause of Soul. So I am sitting in a meeting contemplating the release of white balloons and was about to speak in support of such action by explaining the meaning of the action within Islam (the Souls of the dead are who worked to enter Jannah/paradise/heaven, hereafter, so are to be held in respect-and understood as having been entrapped into warfare), and in that explaination to state that my belief is that Aborigines whom have died, like Mulrunji, through police violence, should likewise be supported. But another person spoke first and refuted that using balloons had any beneficience because of the environmental considerations. Then I spoke and only said that the white balloons symbolise innocent of Soul. I did not realise at the time that the sequence of my comment being after the other could have lended my commentary to being taken as reason not to release white balloons. Then another person said that the helium would be too expensive. And another spoke that it was a straight forward matter to buy balloons and not fill with helium. Then it was agreed upon that the group would blow up a balloon for each Aboriginal death in police custody since the Royal Commission into black deaths in police custody, and that red yellow and black balloons would be used, because those are the colours in the Land Rights flag, and symbolic of much representative of Aboriginal Australia. I did not speak again and had an unaccountible uncomfortable feeling about the communication that transacted, but not about the outcome. I believe that the use of red black and yellow balloons is in recognition of how much pain the Souls of those whom have passed from among us endured by cause only of race, and that those colours are always used within conceiving Souls as innocent, despite any guilt which might exist in the self. Aboriginal Australia is very adept at believing in our ultimate innocence in Allah.

The day of the rally I was in the City early and speaking with a few Aboriginal persons from different places, and whom are sleeping on the City streets at that time. One of them is a man from Torres Strait whom continues to lay claim upon my self as his wife, but also continues to deny that in his assertions about me and his alcohol consumption, yet I will regard him with friendship. There was a long conversation in which I asked if the group agreed with me about a point of traditional Aboriginal law, a few location oriented connections were made, and then one man told about his daughter being a world champion professional kick boxer who earned millions of dollars from her efforts. Usually such a fact being stated is an indication that the communication is oriented to tracking down why she could have become so rich. When I got up to leave the group of four persons followed me. I had been explaining that I could not stay for the rally because I had a prior commitment which could not be changed. They followed me to a bus stop to catch a bus there. I was disoriented then from my intention which had actually been to buy some food for my children whom I was due to meet, and then wait for one of the rally organisers to whom I could give a copy of a document I had written (it is in another web log: http://www.justiceforthedeadone.blogspot.com). The group of persons seemed determined to follow me, so I told them my intentions invitingly. They sat at the bus stop and I was about to look in the supermarket when the first man I mentioned, whom I know better than the rest of the group, wanted to follow me. I was becoming bad tempered and teased him about following me so he did not. I went to look in the supermarket alone, and it was closed. The woman of the group came very strongly into my mind while I was looking towards the door of the supermarket. Yet I can not know if she herself was conscious of me in her mind. I wondered whether to walk to another supermarket and decided not to. Instead I walked around the block and back to the waiting group. I could feel the presence of the woman in my mind again as though she did not want me to return to the group by that route or at that time. But again I can not be certain in this. I was roused upon for being unable to be found in my walk around the block. I got grumpy and told them that I would wait in the park for the rally organisers and then went there.

I sat in the park for a while. Then I contemplated getting up and looking to see if the supermarket was open, but two other persons whom sleep on the street sat down at the corner and began watching me. Those same two persons had been discussed before between me and the group of Aboriginal people. They are sleeping in a location in which the man to whom I am friend had previously been sleeping, in the doorway of a Lutheran Church. I had earlier walked that way, and then happened to mention that I had seen those two men there, but in respect of an observation about the building opposite to the Church. The building opposite is that of a bank whom I had once had car insurance with, and I had mentioned that when I had had to make a claim on that insurance, among the personal employed in respect of the insurance claim, a person stole a bag which include many valuable Christmas presents I had worked hard so as to be able to give my children. In fact I mentioned that matter immediately after the man whose daughter is a kick boxer was describing her acheivement. The two persons whom were now watching me are persons whom account for themselves among the homeless in the city, as a white person if dealing with black skin persons, and as a black person if dealing with white skin persons. They are an east Asian and a red head. The Aboriginal group I had been talking among had been trusting of these two persons because they imagine that those persons are honouring the status of black skin persons by letting black persons account themselves against them. But in fact they are accounting their own self against black persons by believing that the black community are racist to account themselves against the white community, but while also accounting themselves as black and there fore owed debts, in exactly the same regard as the group of Aboriginal persons imagine that they can be accounted for. None of them are in any account except that of falling to black magic, and this can be amply proven by the fact that there are persons whom are accounting whomever they associate with as wronging them, by any racial, or gender difference. The black magic they use is the trick of the Behemoth.

I decided not to stir up trouble by walking again to the shop. Then the persons at the corner left. The community of black skin Aborigines whom sleep on the street around Brisbane do not like me because I refute that only by colour of skin may one person account themself against any other. What happened after these things I describe now, verifies that.

Eventually, after I had a brief sleep in the park, along with other persons waiting for the rally, the organiser I was waiting for arrived, and I gave him two copies of my draft essay so that persons in the black Murri community, including from the location described in the essay, could access it to read through him, if they had any reason to suppose that their interests are tied up with my writing. Such providence is standard protocol for any white Australian writing about any black Australian.

Then the next time I slept, later at home, I was awoken by a mental image of: a sensation in my self as though being possessed while my self walking past the doors of the supermarket by a route not walked upon that occasion, as though heading back to the group whom had followed me by a short cut and missing the walk around the block; then was interlayed upon that, already a lie, another lie that I had been menstruating, and then another, that I was using a white balloon as the napkin to catch the menstrual blood. There it is that I realise that many persons had accessed that image so as to blame my self for being within a white skin biology. So many as to cause the white skin genetic to come to the fore. I had known for some time that the cause of white skin is by the vanity being stripped from the mind by those whom are either stealing, or being donated to. I am closer friends with a black man named Samuel Saunders, whom is also named the Haadjmo, as He told me, and of His own accord. He had realised in my company that the consequence of a black skin race becoming mixed with white, is that the experience is quite punishing for those living white, because while still a part of the same race, the consciousness is constant of being unable to fully account for oneself. His ancestral Dreaming is of being one of the Crows whom drop black feathers to the Swans, which is why, in Australia, there are black swans. He has also taught me to "turn on" the genetic "switch" for the recessive black skin genetic among Aboriginal Australians. That lesson is not for words but one that any person whom knows of must take to the grave. I had thereby earlier committed to that course for my self, and of assisting others in that course. Sam had communicated to me that He could source the cause of the fact of my self and my family being, before we are in the hereafter, white of skin. I had agreed with Him that being white has a worth only when it is a phenomenon caused by ensuring that other persons were born black. Yet the Aboriginal genetic is to be able to sustain black skin while holding others into a black skin account. The key to that was essential, and has a method of teaching in which Chinese medicine traditions are accessed to cause that pressure upon a joint is caused to transmit pain to a lower region of the body. It is a functional holding to account to lessen greed in the other accountiblity measures of Aboriginal Australians, by which our physical form is of tendons being tighter and also more elastic. So therein is evidence also that white Aborigines are yet a different race from ordinary white skin persons. The black skin genetic among us is the recessive, and perhaps it can be knowable that as well as there being a higher level of liver production hormone for acquiring black skin, there can also be a higher level of production of hormones which are triggered in the metabolism by sunlight. The relative proportional balance of these two hormones accords skin colour and the objective quantity balance of the two determines extent of internal muscular strength within any specific skin colour. It is also the case among Aboriginal Australians that we are more likely to enter a state of muscular prolapse when not in good self knowledge, and that during death prolapse need be communally prevented. Most Australians of Aboriginal heritage whom are today white became so because our whole community was too ill for our ancestors to be "sung" during and after death, and into the hereafter. In this paucity of what we were accustomed to providing for each other, which was effectively an insurance that in the grave we would each face the Angels whom greet us there, we are in need of the education within which to face the Angel of death alone. The usual method of dissembling, acquiting and putting an end to acts of black magic is normally only possible in the grave.

There are those whom in Prayer receive the teaching of why, how and what to do to accord such, by receiving teaching from Angels. The mental imagery of tricks of black magic, such as I have described, needs to be radically slowed down for most minds to notice. Many persons experience a constant stream of forgiveness from falling into such, and are only experiencing the same as imperceptible moments of darkness. The preparation which Arch Angel Gabriel provided Mohammed, or that John the Baptist Jesus, and Jesus his disciples, is that classic preparation for being able to mentally note what is happening in those black moments. Each individual Soul is enabled at a different rate to notice what images they are being exposed to.

It is taught that there are four different density of Soul living at Earth. The shaytan are the slowest, but those so slow are not actually Satan, whose real name is Iblis, and He is among the Jinn whom are those fastest. The Jinn are enabled in cause to provide the self that shaytan want for so as to prevent them from stealing too much from Humans and Angels. Human and Angels being the other two sorts of men alive at Earth. Of all people then, whom are men, and women, (and children), there are included Jinn and Angel and ordinary Human and Shaytan, all of whom are those who own a Soul, in that we are our self responsible to Allah for the cause of. Many other men women and children exist, and whom may be the responsiblity of any other Jinn, Angel, Human or Shaytan.

Of these what is known and taught is that Jinn were made by Allah in the beginning out of fire, Angels are beings of light perfected in Allah, and Humans in Allah were made from clay. The Souls of all of are yet almost all still only in an embryotic form. It is less known that Shaytan were made at a denser matter more akin to sand and glass. The fall of the Jinn, as some among are, or were, fallen into the shape of the Devil, so as to manage the Shaytan, is entirely tied up with the causes of why any black magic ever entered the world. Shaytan struggle to compete with Human beings and can not believe that any Human is able to exist as a man without falling into hate, but only because they themselves are unable to. In Jannah they will be green parrots. That black magic forms their only means as men and women is why this will be.

I have some other examples of black magic which are shorter to describe than the first I have described. One had a bear associated with a sword and with a good strong colour blue fabric. Those different associations were all in my own experience and the originally formed act of black magic was made to discredit me through mixing different instances in time and space as though all in the one moment, or as though with any crediblity to my actual bodily experience of the world. Another had a piece of work in which I am making a quilted bag, and have consciously to cause left a couple of seams without hem. The unhemmed seams were associated with a moment in a supermarket in which I had not had the bag with me, but can remember the moment clearly, and then that whole was associated with a shaved female armpit dripping with sweat, within an implication that the reason I had not purchased a specific grocery item was only because I do not shave my armpits and therefore am too lazy to finish making my work; but when in fact the reason I had not made the purchase is because I had recognised that there was advertising entrappment into greed which had drawn my attention to the item, which was sweets. The full effect of black magic, to those whom can not believe in reality, is that such an image means that since I have rejected it, that therefore I can be assaulted with accusations of greed if every I am buying sweets. Clearly that is not the case. However, they whom accuse are so forceful and become so much more likely to accuse children if adults are not letting them accuse adults, that often it can be better to just let them make their accusations. Yet such accusations are the cause of every death.

Therefore ultimately we can all be sure that while we are in the grave suffering the consequences of such acts having been purportrated against us, we may also be mentally, or emotionally, acknowledging those whom entrapped us, and ensuring that they are in mind also of the fact of their having wronged us. In that is the only method by which to impose that the Shaytan, in their dense minds, are held to account. Factually it is cruel not to so hold them accountible, because they only increase their own eventual debt and their fear of paying. But often Human Societies have held the Shaytan accountible by the same account in which Humans whom fall to them are held. The problem then has been that because Shaytan are slower beings, alike to Humans as Human are to Angels, they have been always able to escape such accounts against them. That is, the most common method supposed normal for holding any person to account is that of according that upon the death of the carnal body the Spirit and feeling can not enter any other carnal form other than that of an animal. The Angel of Death is instrumental in doing that. After an indefinite period there is potential for a renewed form of life to occur. This process is repeating everywhere all the time, and only at the extremes of, but also in reality in every death, is the process exactly replicating, or preparing the whole of each man and woman for being certain in the existance of Jahannam and Jannah. But of the shaytan their will is to be only held to account as birds, and in many cultures they are the bird people. They form more readily into Ants also, and are more likely to become an Ant temporarily while their Soul is yet Alaqa, an embryonic plug. Jinn will move into any living form from the smallest microbacteria, through whole forests, and as men. Angels will live as men as in light. Humans are men but can also exist in any matter of lower forms of life, including accompanying those Jinn converted to Islam whom pave the way back into Jannah with the information of remedy to any ill that shaytan have caused.

There is one last thing that I need to state here for the realisation of any person whom is reading. That I received by action of black magic also a very well known mental image. I shall explain it within the context only of my own receipt. I was sitting on a bus travelling out from the Chermside bus interchange in Brisbane and towards the city, and the Asterix book, Asterix and the Black Gold was in my mind as the only source of information I had had about the middle east in my primary schooling. I wondered about how, whomever first got the idea of burning crude oil, had come up with the idea. Then I associated to a war movie in which I had seen footage of crude oil burning upon the surface of water. I began to seek for a mental image of what I could recall having ever before seen but could only find the image of an olive oil burner as I had seen on a recent Australian ABC television programme about collecting and antiques. But there was an association in my mind already between water and oil, and then between oil and burning, so I wondered what I might have already known about any oil burners which use water, but I just could not remember, nor find any mental impressions of. Then I began to form my own mental images of water distinct from any association to crude oil. Then I fell asleep on the bus. Then I awoke with a jolt with a sorry in mind and an image of a hollow pipe embedded in a floating material like wood, in a disc shape, which caused the pipe to float in the water. The pipe is floated, filled with oil, and the oil burned for light. Now, each of the four different forms of black magic can be clearly associated with one of the beasts mentioned in the Bible. These aer: The Behemoth, whose trick is causing loss of culture and wrongful imposition of insanity, or false assertions of the insanity of Religion by blinding us to specific facts of, like that science is a part of Religion and Law a part of Medicine and all medical evidence of physical body only is Legal evidence also to a doctor; The Evil One whose trick is causing confusion in gender function and between good and evil, or rather between active and passive, and was the first learned about; The Levithan whose trick is causing us to imagine that worse might become than is real, and in falsely supporting suppositions of being able to account oneself against that worse, causes persons whom fall to it to become causal to that worse; The Dajjal, whose trick is overarching to the others, and which causes confusion of past and present, and right and wrong, and self and Soul, as though any manifestation of self is wrong, or that we must forgive only each others worth and not forgive to prevent each others mistakes. The assembly of water pipe and floating disc can be recognised as a trick of The Dajjal.

Therefore, can I here formally announce that all the water is withdrawn.

Alaykumasaalamu Waramathallahu Warabarakathaha

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